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Training schedules

Below, you will find information about the climbing hours that are available for members. Also the light members can use these training hours. Read the instructions and obey them!

Note: Check the current hours from the front page. More details below.

Oulun kiipeilykeskus (Toppila, Paakakatu 7)

  1. Oulu Climbing Center; every Tuesday 18.45-20.45
  2. Pay 5,5€ to cash deck and show your membership card from Suomisport. Possibility to rent the equipment.

Oulun Cave (Nallisport, Vellamontie 9)

  1. Oulu Cave boulder gym shift every Monday 18-21
  2. Own equipment must be used (not possible to rent the equipment). If you want to drytool there, you can rent oks axes beforehand and remember to use carpets to protect mattresses.
  3. Write your name + “OKS-91” in the list at Cave when climbing on OKS-91 training hours.
  4. If you are training there outside OKS-91 training hours, entry is 5€ and can be paid to bank account or by cash.
  5. Read the instructions carefully and obey them!
  6. Cave is located at the upstairs of Nallisport, ask for the key and directions from the cash desk and make sure that if you are the last to leave, you lock the doors and return the key. Lights can be turned on and off before last deep stairs. Cave is located over squash rooms.

Ice Climbing Tower (Alakyläntie 1070)

  1. Free on Wednesday and Sunday for OKS members, 15€ otherwise! If you climb other days, for OKS members its 5 € payment.
  2. Club members can rent equipment for 5€/set, contact varusteet ät
  3. If you need more info, contact jaatorni ät
  4. You need own rope and little knowledge, best to ask company from whatsapp community (you can ask a link via email).